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Gigs for Freelancers

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$ 1,000

Translation for Marketing Brochure


Translate from English to Japanese

Posted By

ABC Company


$ 2,000

Coding for Machine Learning

Python, Machine Learning

ML to study patterns in exam results based on student parameters


$ 2,400

Create a website

HTML, Javascript

Create a website for online presence for a hawker centre stall in Singapore


$ 1,500

Create Social Media Campaign

Brand Strategy,Social Media Maketing

Need to launch a new product using social media

Posted By

Milano Italiano


$ 5,000

Perform at A Wedding

Music Performance

String Quintet performance required at a hotel ballroom, 2 sets of 30 mins performance over a 3 hour period on 20 September 2021. Please note that the performers must be in formal wear (black) and should arrive 30 mins prior to guests arriving.


$ 1,000

Translation for Marketing Brochure


Translate from English to Japanese

Posted By

ABC Company


$ 2,000

Coding for Machine Learning

Python, Machine Learning

ML to study patterns in exam results based on student parameters


$ 2,400

Create a website

HTML, Javascript

Create a website for online presence for a hawker centre stall in Singapore


$ 1,500

Create Social Media Campaign

Brand Strategy,Social Media Maketing

Need to launch a new product using social media

Posted By

Milano Italiano


$ 5,000

Perform at A Wedding

Music Performance

String Quintet performance required at a hotel ballroom, 2 sets of 30 mins performance over a 3 hour period on 20 September 2021. Please note that the performers must be in formal wear (black) and should arrive 30 mins prior to guests arriving.


$ 1,000

Translation for Marketing Brochure


Translate from English to Japanese

Posted By

ABC Company


$ 2,000

Coding for Machine Learning

Python, Machine Learning

ML to study patterns in exam results based on student parameters

Platform Demo

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